Re: What counts as Golem Cult?
Lazy_Perfectionist -
A battlefield spell costs 1 gem(or slave) per full 100 fatigue. So 1 gem for a 199 fatigue spell, two for a 200 fatigue spell. (it's at the start of the battlefield spells part in the manual).
Only units actually wearing armor are affected by armor destroying spells, strong skin or rock bodies aren't affected.
Destruction, alt4, 40 fatigue, affects 6 squares at range 25. Both friends and foes are affected, but the mage will try to aim it at large enemy groups. Destroys armor.
Iron bane, alt6, 100 fatigue and one earth gem, affects *everyone* in the battle. Makes armor break after a good hit. Sounds pretty good used with statues. Unless the statues kills anything with one hit. Only need one mage per battle for this one... not so with destruction.
Evocations - might be needed against super high def enemies.