Thread: Astral Serpent
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Old June 11th, 2007, 01:47 AM

Forrest Forrest is offline
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Default Astral Serpent

I armed 3 SC's almost the same. Sword of swiftness, luck shield, boots of quickness, black helmet, Shadow robe, and Bear claw talisman. However two of them got astral serpents and the last a Bottle of living water as I ran short of greens. All three fought in the same battle group in all the same battles.

The two with astral serpents have 93 and 95 kills. The one with the bottle has 48 kills.

I can think of a dozen reasons for this to be so that have nothing to do with the serpent.

However I was wondering if anyone else had noticed the astral serpents having a dramatic increase on kills. I had thought 3 extra damage points and a death poison roll per attack would have a effect but not a 90% increase in effectiveness.

My nation is EA R'lyeh and all battles have been against Vanheim and Arcoscephale.
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