Re: Questions about PD and other
Please tell me if I'm interpreting this correctly...
50 points of PD for MA Agartha costs
(1+50)/2*50= 1275 gold
And for that I get
1st point: 1 Cave Captain 1 Agarthan Light Infantry, 1 Agarthan Infantry.
19 points: 1 Cave Captain, 19 LI, 19 I
20 points: 1 Cave Captain, 20 LI, 20 I, 1 Pale One Captain, 1 Pale One Soldier
50 points 1 Cave Captain, 50 LI, 50 I, 1 Pale One Captain, 30 Pale One Soldiers.
Regularly, 50 light infantry are 500 resources, 500 gold. Regular infantry are 1100 resources, 500 gold.
Thirty Pale One Soldiers are 600 resources, 300 gold.
Total regular cost, disregarding captains, is 2200 resources, 1300 gold. Not a bad deal... Throw in a mage who can cast darkness, four Earth Readers with Earth Boots scripted to cast Earth Power and various E4/E3 spells... Or Iron Bane. And its still way too much money invested, but a lot of precious resources saved for my sloth 1 Agartha. At that point, I'd probably go with another fortress instead, but I'd like to know if I have the math right before thinking too hard.