If you're going to make the search math more complicated at all, it might as well generate a priority array of provinces each turn, and crawl through that list in descending order.
I'm just guessing about how this works and then writing in C to get what I mean accross.
for (prov = 0; prov < num_prov; prov++){
if (owners[prov] == currentplayer){
slevel = map.sitefrequency + sitefrequencyadjust(terrain[site]);
for (i = const_FIRE; i <= const_HOLY; i++){
/* If a site has been searched for one type and nothing has been found, chances of seeing something of another type go up. http://www.stat.sc.edu/~west/javahtm...MakeaDeal.html
Also Bayesian inference generally. This is not strictly the right adjustment. */
slevel += currentsearch[currentplayer][prov][i] * 25 / 7;
for (i = const_FIRE; i <= const_HOLY; i++){
spri[prov,i] = slevel * (4 - knownfeatures[i]);
spri[prov,i] /= exp(2,currentsearch[currentplayer][prov][i]);
/* This assumes that half of the sites are level 1, a quarter are level 2, etc. */
if (currentsearch[currentplayer][prov][i] >= 4){spri[prov,i] = 0;}
/* And of course no sites are above level 4. */
if (isForest(prov)){spri[prov,const_NATURE]*=1.2;}
if (isMountain(prov){spri[prov,const_EARTH]*=1.2; spri[prov,const_AIR]*=1.1;}
if (isWater(prov){spri[prov,const_WATER]*=1.2;}
if (isSwamp(prov){sprit[prov,const_DEATH]*=1.2; spri[prov,const_WATER]*=1.1; spri[prov,const_NATURE]*=1.1;}
if (isWaste(prov){sprit[prov,const_DEATH]*=1.1; spri[prov,const_FIRE]*=1.2;}
And then you sort the province #s according to their priority for each given search type. For Akashic Record or Voice of Tiamat, just some the priorities before sorting.
If someone wants to do a statistical analysis of Edi's site list and get real values... actually I'm probably the only person here who'd want to do that.