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Old June 12th, 2007, 01:57 PM

thejeff thejeff is offline
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Default Re: ritual site search bug/feature request

That would be nice, but could you add in something to prioritize more easily defended provinces as well.
At least ones which are farther within your empire. Or castled?
It's frustrating to be expanding downwards on the map and have your searchers always searching the just taken provinces, that are most likely to be fought over again.

More seriously, while a more efficient gem gaining algorithm would be good, the current version seems broken. It searches provinces it shouldn't and ignores some that it should. Fixing that seems more urgent than improving the algorithm.

The current version also has another unrelated flaw. The next province is chosen based on those provinces held during the ritual magic phase of the turn. A province can be targeted and then lost in the battle phase. The search will still be cast on the next turn.
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