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Old June 12th, 2007, 02:49 PM
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Meglobob Meglobob is offline
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Default Re: Blood Bath - EA Glory of Gods [Recruiting]

Helheim is the most likely winner of this game but he still as to prove this on the battlefield, so far all he has done is build quicker and faster than anyone else.

If myself Niefelheim, Ulm, Caelum, Mictlan and Marverni all agreed to hit Helheim repeatedly with every nasty piece of magic we have got, raid his lands and put up serious armies to fight him. We, all combined could perhaps destroy him. It does not even after be co-ordinated, just relentless turn after turn. Btw if we can not do this there is no point in ever playing MP again where Helheim is controlled by a good player such as Quantum Mechani. Both of hellboys games Blood Bath and Middle Way prove that. Which is very sad...

All the remaining players bar Helheim should agree not to fight each another until Helheim is utterly destroyed. Then the rest of us will have a fairly equal chance of winning and we could have a normal game.

Tartarians, elemental royalty, all the unique items yea Helheim/Ich should win but we should make him earn it or it will be the cheapest win in Dominions history

I have already decieded Nefelheim will fight to the death or near death... I am nowhere near powerful enough to defeat Helheim on my own, my entire strategy revolves around defense and as done since I relised how powerful Helheim was.

C'mon guys we have a duty to put up a solid fight vs Helheim.
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