There are 2 reasons to buy PD. One is to fight with any other troops to defend the province, and for this purpose 11 is just 10+1. The other is to provide deterrence to prevent attacks, and for this purpose 11 is the same as 20.
If you look at the scouting report messages for how well a province is defended, the messsages like "undefended", "one commander and a few...", "extremely well..." correspond to ranges of PD numbers. I don't know that is has been confirmed by dev comments, but in Dom2 conventional wisdom was that the ranges evaluating strength of PD were 0, 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc.
So if you plan to fight 11 is just 10+1. But if you are trying to get the AI to not attack a province, buying one more from 10 moves you from the 1-10 to 11-20 category, which is often enough to make the enemy not attack, or prefer a different province.