Re: Crashing every other turn on EA Pangaea
Things that don't work in weapon modding commands:
#aoe (number) - simply doesn't appear to do anything
#secondaryeffectalways (weapon/effect number) - it does assign a secondary effect to the weapon, but it doesn't always go off, nor is it even the effect/weapon which corresponds with the number you gave.
For example I put in #secondaryeffectalways 183 I should get the snake bladder stick going off every time I swing that weapon, or every time that projectile lands. Instead I get a shortsword as a secondary effect and that only happens if I hit/wound someone, or not at all.
Things I thought worked properly:
#secondaryeffect (weapon/effect number)
But now I doubt that too. It works fine for effect/weapon 50 and 51 - weak and strong poison. But when I was trying to make my plague censer weapon, I ran into a problem.
Here's the code.
#newweapon 695
#name "Plague Censer"
#dmg 8
#att 1
#def -1
#len 4
#rcost 6
#secondaryeffect 183
That should (I believe) fire off an aoe 4 snake bladder hit every time I land a blow with it. It doesn't. It doesn't appear to do anything, although the weapon /says/ the secondary effect is 'snake bladder stick'.
I've also tried it with,..
#secondaryeffect 167 - poison sling, which has aoe 1.
#secondaryeffect 342 - poison ink, aoe 2, which is actually listed in the mod manual as a suggested secondaryeffect.
Neither of those worked either. I don't think they even work against the single guy you do hit. I've never seen them get poisoned by them, for instance.
Sorry if this is a little bit disorganised, but I wanted to be clear about exactly what seems broken/buggy to me. Can the devs shed any light on this?