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Old June 14th, 2007, 04:55 PM
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Default Re: Unit reqs; Etimmu; sieges

Baalz said:
Question, are the rare freespawns influenced by the luck scale (or anything else)?
I've never played without positive luck scales, so I'm not sure. I would be surprised if it was affected by the luck scales though since I almost never see the rare spawns as it is.

Baalz said:
Also, I haven't played LA Ermor yet, but it seems like some buffs from non national mages (pretender, summoned off path etc) that would be worth focusing on. A couple that spring right to mind for late game are army of lead/gold, mist warriors, mass protection. Might be worth designing your pretender with such in mind, a 5k army buffed with army of lead (ethereal from Soul Gate?) seems like it'd be worth some effort to field. Is legion of steel worth the effort of trying to field some troll kings for mid game? Anything else I'm not thinking of? Particularly I'm thinking it might be worthwhile to try and do something with buffing the horsemen mid game.
Legion of Steels is probably not worth it. Your mages that are 3+ in a single non-death field are usually important guys and fielding them in battle is always risky. Army of Lead would be really, really nice however... Anti-magic is also great.

Your biggest problem will be managing the few really good mages you have. Do you support your existing troops or stick him in a safe place and summon, summon, summon? Tough call - but the more viable non-death mages you have the more options will be open to you.

Baalz said:
Also, have you played around with fear stacks? You briefly mentioned it in reference to the banshees, but it seems like with all those death casters able to cast a couple different fear spells is a great complement to the hopefully starving people you're fighting.

Anyway, great writeup, you've inspired me to check them out!
I've never had that much luck with fear spells actually and everytime I consider getting some banshee's I look at how much they cost and quail. It would be interesting to see if a player could really exploit them though....
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