Thread: Nonpurchase bug
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Old June 14th, 2007, 08:40 PM

Forrest Forrest is offline
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Default Re: Nonpurchase bug

If you look at the attached save game you will notice a preacher and a church in province 171. That preacher built the church in province 21. This means it has been 3 turns since he built the church at my Forest Rampart.

If you look at the purchase options for 21, the troops in that province and nearby you will see I have No troops or leaders purchased from that province. Not one single troop. Not one single leader.

I have no deer tribe shamans.
I have no deer tribe warriors.
I have not tried to buy deer tribe archers because I have lots of archers.

This has reached the point that I can not say that it is a simple error on my part. I have not checked the army status in that province because it had such a small production number. I am not sure how many it has missed but it has missed. I though I began production of deer warriors while the castle was building. I know I should have some shaman and warriors.

On nonmovement of units. I am talking about all units in a province. When I checked them after the turn comes up they are set on defend. This has happened several times that I put down to my error no matter how sure I was that I put in move orders. I have not been using flying units.
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