Well I gotta say this is turning into one of the more interesting games I've played. The diplomacy in itself is smokin'!
And Caelum! Were'nt you supposed to be dead and gone like 10 turns ago! Man talk about thorns in ones side.
But the main reason for the post (besides being a little drunk - Friday night in Oz) is to clear the air with Xietor, Xietor man I hope your not taking my IC (In character) actions IG in an OOC (Out of Character) way. I tend to try and play a nation according to what I think they nations overall alignment might be, in Arco's case NG (although I could be way off here) a society that is concerned with carrying out the letter of the law and nothing more or nothing less.
At any rate I OOC'ly apologize for any OOC grief or frustration this may have caused, IC'ly though Arcoscephale will never apologize or bow down to the Savage halfmen from the North!
Cheers and game on!