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Old June 15th, 2007, 12:48 PM
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Tyrant Tyrant is offline
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Default Re: Caelum triumphantly plumbs new depths

We imagine you are as happy as we are that R'yleh is stewing under the ice
We ain't stewing, we be chillin'.

It has been an interesting game. A notable paucity of early game kills and a long period of peace over most of the world has brought us to a face off of mature empires. It's like we fast forwarded through the mid game.

I suppose I would have been better off (and warmer) if I had responded to Caelum's seizure of my lands more promptly, but i was set on conquering the entire sea before i fought on land. I also think i may have set some kind of record for most gems wasted on site search spells that found nothing- the sea is a magic wasteland.
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