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Old June 16th, 2007, 04:27 AM
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Default Re: Favorite board games

Yesterday I was speaking with a friend regarding the use of boardgames to educate my students. I'll be teaching more history next year (after summer), and had an idea of using History of the World to get my students into the chronology of the world. Unfortunately the game seems to be out of print. I have the game, but I would prefer if the school could purchase, say four, games

Other games we discussed were Pax Britannica, Maharadja, Britannia, Repiublic of Rome and Diplomacy.

Of these I think HotW suits my needs best, but PB and M could be useful regarding colonial history and the the case of PB the motivations of states and the reasons behind the WW1.

Republic of Rome would probably be good for a few students, but a bit too deep for most of them. There is a lot of history hidden (or not hidden) in that game.

Other ideas?
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