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Old June 16th, 2007, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: Best Unit in the Game... Any thoughts?

Lazy_Perfectionist said:
Yeah, but you need to reach conjuration 9 for that. I can get my Marble Oracle at conj 6, with my national mage. OTOH, is a Tartarian gate REALLY only ten gems. Wow... That's a hella lot of tank for your buck. At least I have better protection, for what little that's worth (15 gems, to be precise).
Yes tartarian is only 10D gems but you do after cure the afflictions and gift of reason in most cases.

However in the case of my 500 hp tartarian prophet, I got lucky in that it came as a commander with no afflictions. Has magic paths of W3 D2 H3, which is good. I can quicken self, breath of winter, divine bless, soul vortex (with 1 death gem of course), Hold a turn (catch his breath after all that spell casting), attack closet (whereupon he slaughters anything foolish enough to get in his way).

Oh he also has a personal bodyguard of 5 mammoths, so any spells like disintergrate, soul slay, petrify, horror marking etc target those instead...
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