Gandalf Parker said:
Personally however, for many reasons, I would not get a windows laptop. Everything has its pros and cons. For me its Linux on servers, Windows on desktop, and Mac on laptops.
Gandalf Parker
Personally for me it's dual or triple booting on servers, desktops and laptops for different operating systems. There are mutliple benefits for having a dual booting or triple booting system.
It will be awhile before developers release a game which can use DirectX_10 and the new hooks since game developers don't want to lose customers still using Windows2000 or WinXP. I believe Microsoft will be the first because they want to push everyone into using Vista... so HALO_3 and maybe DungeonSiege_3 probably won't work on older operating systems unless cracked.
I'm irritated how Vista is still 32bit by default and maximum RAM is still 4GBs and... well I'll stop my rant.