SlipperyJim said:
Kristoffer O said:
Only being able to recruit your own national troops is one of the basic tenets that dominions is built around. When dom-ppp was initially designed we had played a couple of games in which a few players came to be all possible nations at the same time. Take VGA-planets where you were lucky if you could capture an enemy ship an copy it. Soon the fleet of the Evil Empire was made up of Death Stars towed by privateer ships. Same thing in other PBEM games where your army soon turned into rainbow armies of the elite units from every nation. Not much fun either.
For my $0.02, this was a good decision. It guarantees more replayability for Dominions, because each game is slightly different depending on your national troops. National spells only increase the variability.
Dom3 would be a lot less fun if Man & Ulm played the same, let alone Abysia, Caelum, and/or Agartha.
I agree with Slippery Jims comments here.
However, how about somewhere slightly inbetween, when you conquer another races capital, you have a 1 in 3 chance of being able to recruit that races national troop types/leaders. This always excludes that races sacreds.
So for example, I conquer MA Agarthas capital, a one off check then occurs for MA Agarthas national troops as follows:-
Agarthan scout 1 in 3 chance of still being recruitable.
Cave captain 1 in 3 chance of still being recruitable.
Pale one Captain 1 in 3 chance of still being recruitable.
Agarthan light infantry 1 in 3 chance of still being recruitable.
Agarthan infantry 1 in 3 chance of still being recruitable.
Argathan heavy infantry 1 in 3 chance of still being recruitable.
Pale one soldier 1 in 3 chance of still being recruitable.
Ancient one, attendant of oracles, earth reader, golem crafter, ancient lord and oracle of ancients are all sacred so can never be reruitable by another nation. Those units are dedicated to Agartha and there god only.
Should Agartha reconquer his capital all units are recruitable as normal. But should any other nation conquer it after, the original units who made the 1 in 3 are recruitable, another check is not made.
I believe this would stop all nations morphing into one problem but make capitals more tempting targets with a greater reward for the conquerer. It would also open up more tactics/strategies up for individual nations later in the game.
It would also reflect the nation being enslaved/conquered/ruled by the host nation. Its very unrealistic at the moment that a nations entire conquered population refuse to serve there conquerer. The Roman Empire for example had its armies made up more of auxilleries from conquered nations than soldiers from Rome/Italy.