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Old June 19th, 2007, 07:24 AM

Saxon Saxon is offline
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Default Storm and Caelum

Caelum has a lot of air magic and would benefit from using Storm Power to boost their mages. With some cheap and fairly cheap mages with A1 or A2, they can mass a lot of mages, boosted a level in Air and then drop a lot of Orb Lightning (ok damage, low fatigue) on an enemy army.

The thing is that Storm takes a gem to cast, which may not always be logistically available. It also has to be cast, then the mages power up, usually on their second spell casting. Perpetual Storm on the other hand, covers the world and is available at the start of the battle. On the other hand, it limits flight, which is one of Caelum’s very nice advantages.

What are people’s thoughts on this situation? Do you save Perpetual Storm for other nations or do you use it?
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