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Old June 19th, 2007, 08:49 AM
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Default Re: Greetings, a technical problem and some opinio

Morkilus said:
JaghataiKhan said:
Anyway, the newest patch of 3.08 makes the game crash in a few turns, making it inoperable, just a blank background unless I restart. Any ideas?
This should be in a sticky at the top of the forum
The reason it's not a sticky or included in the FAQ is that Shrapnel does not want it that way. People who experience the problem are mostly pirates, so giving them the info to easily find out how to go around it is not on the cards.

People should primarily contact Shrapnel tech support. This is one of those topics that is going to keep popping up here on the forum, but it is preferred that way rather than have the workaround in a readily available FAQ.
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