Re: Question: Gift of Reason to cure Feeblemind?
Would a Lycanthropos amulet cure the problem?
DireAussie stated in page 71 of the bug thread.....
I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature. I'm playing Machaka and 2 of my black sorcerers got feeblemind. Afterwards I set them on the front lines with attack orders. As you may realise black sorcerers turn into great spiders when they 'die'. When this happened to both of my feebleminded sorcerers and they got all their magic skills back! They were able to cast during the same battle, then once the battle had finished and they reverted back to their normal human form, they had lost feeblemind and had all their magic skills.
This opens the door to the idea that any transforming item/spell might cure the affliction.