Thread: Use of mages
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Old June 20th, 2007, 11:53 AM

Crafty Crafty is offline
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Default Re: Use of mages

After more intensive SP playing I realise My use of magic is definitely suboptimal. That is why i have problems playing big maps. I just research and research and research, but i don't really use them , meanwhile i get a ton of gems sitting around and the computer starts killing me with his magic and my blessed units become outdated.

I have to force myself to actually use what i research. The problem is each spell (even up to lv6) is still not very powerful. You need to cast it multiple times to see it's power. But there's really a lot of micromanagement. I know you can store attack commands, but for rituals or forging it gets really old. Worse for nations with mages with lots of random paths...

Even for construction which is the school i know best, i underuse it.

I was trying the other day to mass produce some lucky pedants, but it was a pain trying to remember which of the 20 or so mages in my capital could forge it (not all had S1). Not to mention figuring out what to forge in the first place. Was a mage with 3D2N able to forge exactly the same stuff has a 3D2N1A at contruction 6?

All trying to remember which mages have cast site searching spells, you can make a mistake and you find 2 different mages cast the same site searching spell on the same province sigh.

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There is a certain point where you have to say, enough is enough and stop the bulk of research and send your army of mages out there to conquer!!!

12 mages backed up with some minimal troops is quite amazing site with lv 6 magic.
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