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Old June 21st, 2007, 02:22 AM
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Ballbarian Ballbarian is offline
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Default Re: ICONS on the MAP???

Here is what I had so far:

"firesite" 8192 - MAP SYMBOL= volcano
"airsite" 16384 - MAP SYMBOL= ice/cloud looking thing.
"watersite" 32768 - MAP SYMBOL= blue water pool thing.
"earthsite" 65536 - MAP SYMBOL= green man!
"astralsite" 131072
"deathsite" 262144 - MAP SYMBOL= house? maybe coincidence?
"naturesite" 524288 - MAP SYMBOL= the dome looking thing.
"bloodsite" 1048576
"priestsite" 2097152 - MAP SYMBOL= tan jutting stone.

Pardon the crude symbol descriptions.
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