Re: Veturi - LA (Looking for Players)
Hmm.. I seem to experoemce some technical difficulties. I try to do my turn, but it insists that I install CBgods_ 1.1 althought I have CB 1.1 complete installed.
I went to the CB thread but the links there have either expired or don't work. My email is Burnsaber(at)hotmail(dot)com if someone would be so kind as to e-mail it to me?
EDIT: E-mail adress confused by the advise of llamabeast
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.
If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.
See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.