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Old June 23rd, 2007, 03:54 PM

JaghataiKhan JaghataiKhan is offline
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22 Year Old Turkish geek.

I started playing games when I was 4 years old with a Commodore 64 bought by relatives, and used the Turkish Manual to good use, changing the color of cursor, making small colorful animations etc.

At 8 years old, I had an Amiga 500, and played hundreds of games.

At 12 years old, I had my first PC, and again had limitless fun with it.

Computers are my lifeblood. As is the "Internets"...

My first REAL "strategery" game was at 9 years old, K240, a space colonization game. I learned to play it piecemeal piecemeal with a dictionary and its manual. But I succeeded, and managed to create a relatively stable economy in game and killed the first two alien races.

(I played simcity when I was 7 and played it fine enough)

K240 also granted me a basic grasp of English grammar. All Games are truly educational if they are played right and through, with the playing kid trying to learn all the words.

Since then, Strategy games are my beloved games. After all, you manage a colony/city/empire etc...

It is more fun than playing a single unrealistic hero killing hundreds of targets.

Well, until Command and Conquer came by. The damn game got so popular, but it also killed all innovation of RTS genre. Almost every damn RTS game was made in its image, being mere clones, so I lost all interest in new RTS's. I got a fancy on FRP games then, read LotR first, then Dragonlance next, Forgotten Realms all the least.They all improved my English vocabulary immensely,

Now I favor gameplay over graphics, and without further ado, came upon this gemstone of gaming.
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