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Old June 23rd, 2007, 05:52 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: A general inquiry about Dom 3 gaming habits.

JaghataiKhan said:
Now and then, I use the Silent Seas (no wrapabout) map for a quick head on collision with 3 Medium Random AI factions without much magic consideration (save for quick level 2 rush of Construction and evocation for combat blastage)

I see many people talking about massive scale magic R&D and SC equipping bonanza. Do you play huge maps? Doesn't it take too much time and clicks? There are so many multi sphere spells and artifacts that it takes ages to develop them. I think a well built human wave rush to the other dude's keep is far more fulfilling(finding a Lion tribe is a forest-mountain province is orgasmic), but then this may be due to my love of large scale fighting. Though I love how many spells blast away an army, but in small maps, it is not worth developing Wish or Star Focus spell, much less gather the skill and pearls for it.

So, what floats your boats?
Something like wish is indeed only the domain of big maps, but most spells have their uses even on small maps. It's not really either or, if you want to make best use of your nation, you usually want to use armies _and_ invest in research/site searching for some big guns later. Think about it this way, gem income is basically part of the total income of your provinces, if you aren't making use of it, an equal sized nation might have the same gold to work with as you, on top of whatever they use the gems for. Even small map games usually go past turn 30, plenty of time to do some very useful things with gems.
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