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Old June 23rd, 2007, 08:13 PM
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Jazzepi Jazzepi is offline
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Default Re: A general inquiry about Dom 3 gaming habits.

I tend to subscribe to the Red Queen theory. Which is drawn from a part in Alice in Wonderland where she's running from the Red Queen but can't get away no matter how fast she runs.

So the idea is that everyone is racing, everyone is trying to compete with each other. Every action that you take must improve your position in the race more so than the next strongest person in the game. If you don't, then when you meet that person, they'll conquer you because they've been running relatively faster than you the whole time and slowly pulled out ahead.

So, I tend to be very aggressive. I always have a plot or a scheme wrapped within another. Nations that sit around and do nothing aren't advancing fast enough to keep up with the race. When I build a race, I *always* have an early game plan. Being strong in the beginning means being strong in the end.

I'm also an addict to good scales and lots of income. I love production and order. I almost always get misfortune 2, drain 2. My theory is that by not wasting points to get from Drain 2 to Magic 1, you're saving yourself 3 ticks worth of another good scale. The extra money from a growth scale should translate into more mages in the long term. These extra mages should eventually translate into more in the long term.

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