Re: A general inquiry about Dom 3 gaming habits.
SP Fan of larger maps with as much random/special provinces as popular. Love the mid-late game transition, which unfortunately the AI can't handle too well. Love SCs/thugs/heroes, can almost play like an RPG... favorite unit gets a bit of experience, gets new items, takes on whole armies solo or leads your armies vs nasty specials or huge AI nations. I like to cheat on behalf of the AI when possible, but at the same time i'll restart when a favored SC or God dies stupidly.
In MP I'm finding that I'm not a huge fan of the hour long micro sessions around turn 70+. Still relatively new to it so I think i'll try out some <10 player maps or blitz games.
Don't play SP at all any more except to test stuff, especially new mods/nations.
Still liking MP though, although hate having to wait for my next turn.