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Old June 24th, 2007, 02:35 AM

Roghain Roghain is offline
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Default Re: A general inquiry about Dom 3 gaming habits.

I don't MP. I don't have the skill so I am a worthless opponent - there would be little challenge.

I enjoy playing a huge map as random as possible. I find the must fun for me comes from trial and error - playing a nation/age never tried before and making it work. I dislike the graphs so I turn them off, otherwise I become pre-occupied with finding a counter-strategy for the (then) known opponents. i develop my ow (for better or more likely worse) and damn the torp... uhm... black knights.
I haven't touched the full depth of the game so I am not bothered with mods - though I am rather curious about the Greyhawk mod, as I am a GH fan from day one (yes, I am THAT old)
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