Sorry for being a bit snide the first time around... I've made some progress in getting the game to play, I'll share that- but I haven't tested it extensively yet. If you want a starter point to look at, though...
Windows XP Service Pack 2 compatibility mode on (though I don't think it has any effect, though I'll find out as I test)
And I modified the shortcut with the following commands
-w (closes easier upon failure, since the X button is still there).
Disabling visual themes, desktop compostiion, display scaling- all semi-useless.
Update: Unless there's a more specific option I can turn off thats the source of the problem, -a --noanimback is essential. Though windows xp compatiblility isn't looking to be that way.
-a --noanimback (got me past the start menu- through the start menu, and all the way into pretender design. It stopped working though once I tried to close the two messages that show up at the beginning of the game)
-f --nofade (now I can see the world map)
I haven't tried entering a battle yet, or disabling some of these tweaks to see if they're unnecessary, but I've made significant progress in getting the game to show up.
So, the shortcut running in windows mode is
"blah balh \dom3.exe" -w -a --noanimback -f --nofade
If it really is working, I'll find out what exactly is necessary and try and write some clear instructions for you to try. If you're around, let me know?