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Old June 25th, 2007, 02:34 PM

CelestialGoblyn CelestialGoblyn is offline
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Default Re: Idea thread: special provinces, unique defende

*Lair of the kraken - pretender-sized octopus with items (there is an octopus pretender)
*Transylvania with a vampire count leading an army of infartry, peasants, villans and wolves.(LA Ulm)
* Village defended by seven samurai. (MA Bakemono)
For the Kraken - what items?
For vampires - how many commanders, how many items, how tough? also, site suggestions are velcome
For the seven samurai, their names and what weapon they should have. I'm going to add them as unique additions to any one province's defenders.

For the Kraken:Pendant of Luck, Amulet of Antimagic and Champions Skull(if it works for indies)
The idea being that it's only one octopus, but it's hellishly tough.

1xVampire Count 'Vlad the Impaler' with: Piercer,Black Steel Plate, Dragon Helmet, Girdle of Might, 20 blood slaves and 10 death gems
1xVampire Lord 'Vlad Mircea' with Flesheater,5 blood slaves and 1 death gem
1xIndie priest
2xIndie mounted commander
30xHeavy infartry(wish spears)
(Site:Field of the impaled - 3 death gems)

Seven Samurai:
1xSamurai 'Kambei' - mega experience, old age, Weightless Scale Mail, Longbow of Accuracy
1xSamurai 'Gorobei'- big experience, Weightless Scale Mail,Longbow of Accuracy, Horn of valour,
1xSamurai 'Shichiroji' - big experience, Weightless Scale Mail, Bow of War
1xSamurai Archer 'Minoru' - some experience, Lucky Charm
1xSamurai 'Isao' - big experience, Weightless Scale Mail, Longbow of Accuracy
1xSohei 'Kyuzo' - Mega experience, Weightless Scale Mail, Ring of the Warrior, Longbow of Accuracy
1xGo-Hatamoto 'Kikuchiyo' - big experience

Is it possible to give the 7 Samurai invulnerability and/or berserk without magical items?
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