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Old June 26th, 2007, 11:30 AM
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Default Glamour post 3.08

I'll do my bit of community service, and start a new thread, as suggested in that one about Vanheim.

OK, what're your opinions on the new rules? Any complaints still, or is everything 100% perfect now?

So I'm not just trolling, here's my take - seems to be fitting the bill so far. At least opponents have a few more viable options, especially early game, against it (Glamour that is).

Of course, the counter can still be countered - decoy troops come immediately to mind. And I don't think the changes have impacted the stealth/raiding abilities of glamour troops all that much. So maybe there's still some price/resource tweaking that can be done (like was done with Lanka). Or maybe not. What do you think?
"I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part"
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