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Old June 28th, 2007, 10:23 AM
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Default Re: Spell Modding - Guide Rough Draft

More feedback for the Bitmasker spreadsheet. I think Effect 23 / Damage 16 is incorrect; the following spell produces "susceptibility to fire 25%" on friendly troops rather than the desired "Fear +0". Tried a couple versions. (note, spell 534 is Fog Warriors, and no, different "damage" versions of Fog Warriors doesn't give the Fire Susceptibility but rather the correct bitmask as listed)

#copyspell 534
#name "Possessed Warriors"
#descr "A group of friendly soldiers become possessed by demons, causing their features to become distorted, horrific and fearsome to enemies."
#school 6
#path 0 7
#damage 16
#fatiguecost 400
#aoe 666
#explspr 10003

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