Re: Casual PBEM (looking for players)
The ever-so-innocent R'Lyeh has spoken again. I will not deny that we, the Machakans, are the aggressor in this part. We simply cannot risk your armies to grow invincible, which they already seem to be while under water. Also, your false God would be a special one indeed, if it did not intend to be the Only One in the long run. It's the nature of Gods, is it not?
I would have welcomed Arcoscephales assistance, but I'll have you know that they have somewhat misjudged their own power, from the looks of it. At the same time they attacked R'Lyeh, they also assaulted my fortress with an enormous army, only to find it utterly annihilated soon after. R'Lyeh must have noticed that Arcoscephale did take one of my provinces nevertheless. They overstated their welcome, and my response was crystal clear: Their false God, a powerful being, slayer of hundreds, now lies dead, awaiting the sobbing call of his priests to revive him again.
So, both the people of R'Lyeh and those of Machaka have two enemies to fight. The world is drowning in water and blood. Future will tell what will come of this.