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Old July 4th, 2007, 12:15 AM
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Default Re: President Bush commuted \'Scooter\' Libby\'s sent

Libby was convicted because he could not remember events that took place years before accurately. I ask you, can you remember what you did last July 1st? Now be specific, who did you talk to, what did you talk about. Now say that I told you that I know someone who said that they talked to you about something specific. You didn't mention that to me, you are therefore guilty of the same crime that Libby was. Mind you that Paris was guilty of a crime which was far more serious than forgetting a conversation that took place a year or two before. Comparing live to her is an absurdity.

I don't need to point out that at least one of the people that Clinton had pardoned was a guy who was under active investigation for ongoing criminal activities. Libby just forgot things and was sent to jail for that. I would rather he pay the 250k fine then server a day in jail for memory loss.

Now if it were up to me, I would have pardoned Libby too, and would have kept the fine in place. Which is what I think Bush did as well. However I would also pardon the two boarder patrol cops that were recently convicted on the testimony of a known drug deal for shooting him in the *** when he was fleeing while shooting at them. Those two should not have ever been convicted. Bush should pardon them, and I would have pardoned them BEFORE ever considering a pardon for Libby.
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