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Old July 4th, 2007, 08:45 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Ogre Kingdoms - MA Warhammer Nation - 0.9 minor update



-- Version 0.9

-- FIX - Shorter facet of the maw (spell) description

-- TWEAK - Hunter harpoon now dt_large for bringing down the heffalumps

-- FIX - Skrag Gorger summon no longer messes with lantern shield

-- FIX - Gnoblar scouts get mountainsurvival

-- FIX - Berserkers was showing up twice in spell library


OGRE KINGDOMS version 0.8

-- TWEAK - Gorger Pitfeast B3 -> B4

-- TWEAK - Scrapapult goldcost 170 -> 150

-- CONTENT - Mawfiend summon added

-- CONTENT - Mawpit summon added for B3E1, H3 blood saccer, no slots, no upkeep

-- CONTENT - Mawgut summon/transformation added

-- TWEAK - Braugh's weapon now raises those it slays

-- CONTENT - Yhetee shaman summon added

-- CONTENT - Skrag the Slaughterer hero added

-- TWEAK - Tyrants reduced to 80 leadership

-- TWEAK - Slaughtermasters get FE 100% pick

-- TWEAK - Gnoblar single recruits added as option, new 'flung scrap' missile weapons

-- TWEAK - New costs for commanders in line with new philosophy

-- TWEAK - Reduced costs of most recruits

-- CONTENT - Henchfiend summon added as researcher with access into death/fire

-- TWEAK - Ogre Temples, being pits in the ground, now only 100 gold

-- TWEAK - Butcher and Slaughtermaster mr boosts

-- TWEAK - Gnoblar got some patrolbonus to reflect their multiunit status


-- FIX - Reordered ID numbers to avoid future conflicts with basegame

-- TWEAK - Altered Eastern Maneater graphic slightly

-- TWEAK - Slightly decreased scraplauncher cost and increased range

-- TWEAK - Increased price of yhetee and gorger summons

-- TWEAK - Giants get one misc slot

-- TWEAK - Improved PD

-- CONTENT - Added first prophet national hero

-- TWEAK - Ogres with two weapons now don't get Ogre Smash and have had their cost tweaked accordingly

-- FIX - Changed name and epithet to better fit dominions

-- FIX - Changed name of dm and mod folder to fit my conventions

-- FIX - Starting scout is now a butcher, since they have dying dom


-- CONTENT - Added Hero 'Slavelord Braugh' and his slaves, plus his two weapons

-- FIX - Fort types checked and changed

-- TWEAK - Sacred pitfighter +10 goldcost

-- TWEAK - Bruiser and Tyrant commanders -10 goldcost each

-- TWEAK - Slavegiant gets siegebonus 5

-- FIX - added the missing mountainsurvival to gnoblar units

-- TWEAK - deathbelcher weapon better, unit +4 goldcost

-- TWEAK - gave yhetee coldpower 2


-- fixed a bunch of id conflicts with MA Skaven, should all work fine together now


-- added ogre nametype 147

-- darkvision handed out, use of copystats removed

-- checked IDs against Skaven 0.9, CBM 1.21, Avernum 1.45 + others

-- made slave giants into commander units with no slots, improved their graphics

-- Version 0.4

-- Slavegiant, scrapapult, rhinox, pit fighter added

-- Gnoblar scout added

-- Anoint Mawtribe sacred summon

-- Many tweaks



1. Unequalled offensive force from Ogres
2. Mobile nation with good survivals and mapmove
3. Powerful Gut Magic buffs/summons require little/no research
4. Gnoblars, giants and scraplaunchers fill specific roles
5. Very thuggable commanders


1. Horrible research
2. Very poor magic diversity
3. Constant supply issues
4. Dying dominion requires sacrifice
5. Predictable
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Last edited by Sombre; March 31st, 2010 at 05:48 PM..
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