My Shades, Why Are They So Fickle (Help!)
OK, so in my next release of Mytheology (2.03), I'm going to have a series of ritual spells to create your own stonehenges. Each stone has its own special ability to benefit the province it's in. All the stones work as expected (with minor artifacts left from the limitations of #copystats and #clearwhatever) except for one.
I have one stone which is sort of a giant tombstone; it has fear (it's scary!) and can summon shades in battle because I #copystats from the Lord of the Gates. Everything works great... I've stripped almost all of the Lord of the Gates attributes / magic, and the shades appear in battle.
Except that they always immediately leave. Morale is high, they aren't being banished, but in the first turn of battle, they act like they are being routed (they aren't).
The stone has #poorundeadleader, and I even tried giving it death magic 1. It is, of course, inanimate and immobile.
Any ideas why those shades would keep bailing like that? My alternative would be to give the stone a domsummon of corpsecandles or other grave denizen, but I wanted something that would be cheap, not dominion dependent, and not unbalance gameplay (which the ability to create units with domsummon could potentially do).