Thread: communion (?)
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Old July 13th, 2007, 04:03 PM

PyroStock PyroStock is offline
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Default Re: communion (?)

Baalz said:
Slave matrixes only work if the unit is a mage,as far as I know Pythiums communicants (the unit you mention) are the only special case that can join a communion with no magic paths.
If Pythium slave communes take less fatigue with no magic paths then wouldn't having slaves with different paths from the master also be better for less fatigue... as in a master casting earth spells and having the slaves with only say 1 astral and no earth (rather than 1 or 2 earth)?

Dunno about being both master & slave, my gut tells me it wouldn't work but I've never tested it. I'm guessing casting master cancels the slave effect and vice versa.
I don't know either, but IIRC in another thread KO said Solar Brilliance was the only spell he recalled that cancelled another (Darkness).
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