July 14th, 2007, 04:55 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: R'lyeh
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Late age game
Somebody can take over LA Atlantis in Veturi (WH and CB mod, 7 players):
Lazy_Perfectionist said:
#1 in provinces by a significant margin, with Pangaea pulling up in second, possibly to pass, unless I actually get involved in a war.
#1 in built forts, might help with catching up in research.
#1 in income, more or less tied with the nation of man.
Barely #1 in gem income, but its nothing special, considering the number of sites I've given level 9 scans to. I am opening up some other paths than water and death, though, so there is some hope, though nothing very promising.
Research is third from LAST. But ready to climb upward thanks to those forts I mentioned.
Dominion is middle of the road, with dominion walls at my land borders, but lots of hostile dominion in my seas.
And my army size is actually respectable if you take Ermor and Pangaea out of the equation.
Strategic vision is next to last, but I've been pretty good at avoiding stalls.
I don't want to make too much information public because it would handicap any replacement, but I'll share a bit to provide the flavor.
My scales are order 2, productivity 3, cold 2, magic 1. With temples, my dominion is 7 in my capital.
My current NAPs have varying terms, but they're more or less expiring right about now. My pretender is not a supercombatant, but is based around being a mobile spellcaster.
Please apply in the game thread.