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Old July 14th, 2007, 07:32 AM
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Teraswaerto Teraswaerto is offline
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Default The Burning of Avalon

Teraswaerto said:
It will not be long before we bring fire to Avalon.

It took longer than we expected, but the day is finally here.

We will cut down the trees and chase away the mists with fire. An altar of blood, ash and tears will be constructed where the people of Man may offer up their daughters and beg for mercy.

The greatest hero of this war, the Anathemant Dragon Typhon, is hereby awarded the title of Lord of Flaming Death . He is favored in my sight.

-Baal Davar
Great indebtedness does not make men grateful, but vengeful; and if a little charity is not forgotten, it turns into a gnawing worm.
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