Re: Chinchilla - Game for new/newish players (open
to the lord of c'tis,
strictly speaking you've already breached the non aggressive pact between us you signed right away. You demanded the control over #49, which I took before we met, and then attacked #49 when it's clear that we need to withdraw our southern expanding force via it even if we decided to hand it to you. and the attack on #49 is timed on the turn after you sent your messenger, you don't even give us a chance to send you our response.
This is definitely not a good way to get things done. As I said above, we've conquered #49 before we met, and I failed to see any reason for your "#49 rightfully belongs to c'tis" claiming, the Arco is here to ask you to remove your forces from #49. You may took #39 the turn after, as I agree to that, but your presence in #49 is clearly a violation of the NAP between us, considering you ATTACKED a province UNDER MY CONTROL without my agreement.