Re: Chinchilla - Delay game?
To Arco: we have not agreed on any NAP yet. While I greeted you with friendly words upon encountering you on the map, no explicit NAP terms were proposed. Also, in your reply to our first friendly message, you discussed no NAP but instead you insisted on keeping an essential province close to our capital.
With respect to our attack on province 49, I only learned of the geograhic situation you are referring to (the mountain ridge to the east that would indeed require you to withdraw your troops via province 49) from a scout this this very turn. I was assuming you would continue your advance into the indy provinces to the east and would have the possibility to circle back north from there. We do apologize for this unfortunate and bloody encounter, but I assure you it was not intentional.
Anyways, now that it is clear to all that C'tis honor is still intact as no NAP was broken, I suggest we further discuss the future relations between our nations among ourselves.