Thread: New patch??
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Old July 18th, 2007, 07:08 AM
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Default Re: New patch??

Primarily JK must return from India. That is late July. Then there will probably be some fixings of his. And there are two other semi-external projects (Edis great typo fixing and another project) to include, but those are supposed to be more or less finished when JK returns, so my estimate is early/mid August.

The patch will be rather content heavy. Less fixes to game mechanics, since JK's been away for a while. There will also be a number of lesser bugfixes and balance chages. Edi's shortlist is greenified to give some clues. And sporadically I have written fixes and stuff in the progress page (although I'm not very good at keeping it up to date.).

Currently I'm visiting my folks, so I'm not working on dom3, but otherwise I've been rather productive this summer. I imagine I will be less so when JK returns, and there are more stuff you can do, like playing games

I have some new ideas that I will work on, but I imagine these will wait for the next patch. My current MP game, ther first in ages, has put me in a position where I'm confronted with imbalancies, weaknesses (thematical or mechanical) and other stuff I want to change.

I'm playing MA Mictlan and I got new ideas for them, but it would not sit well with me to make changes to them in this patch, since it would give me advantages in that game.

Anyway, I think a nation will generally benefit from me playing it. So if there are other nations percieved as unfun, weak, or graphically unpleasant let me know for my next MP signup.
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