lch said:
Edi said:
I really need to get cracking on the typos...
When you have the typos "fixed", would you open the patch up for peer review before it is applied? Then some other people have a chance to find things which you may have overlooked.
The only part of the code I've seen are the description files and you need to ask Kristoffer that. You can take my word for it that I did spend over a month going over a string dump and fixing everything I found and Kristoffer gave me the actual source files to work with because most of the work was already done. I've caught a couple of very minor stylistic things from the nation descriptions which I'm redoing and a couple of other changes I went over with Kristoffer, but other than that it's going to be a straight find and replace.
I cannot give you the source files, but I can give you the strings extracted from the dump and accompanied by the fixed versions so you can look them over yourself. I'll be doublechecking everything as I fix it, so you will have a very hard time finding anything. If you do, let me know, but there are thousands of typo fixes there, from misspellings to grammar to punctuation, so much more than what was reported in the in-game typo thread. Enjoy yourself.
I will warn you that not QUITE everything will be fixed by what I do, since not all of the strings (such as event descriptions, including global enchantment texts or name lists) are in the description files and those will be left up to KO and JK.
Fixed strings attached.