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Old July 21st, 2007, 10:56 AM

Ubercat Ubercat is offline
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Default Re: MysteryMammal - EA game - recruiting

llamabeast said:
Just as a general question, what size of games do people like? Myself I find big games exciting, but then later a bit daunting. Getting to the end of a smaller game seems a bit more feasible. So I reckon both kinds of games have their pros and cons.

If people prefer I can make this something like an 8 player game and start another game as an overflow. What do you think?
I'd like to see a large game with enough room for players to survive early game rushes. Crowded maps always seem to give positions like Arco and Caelum an advantage. They just crank out elephants. I was wiped out in Capybara by Arco. At one point I saw he had a 110 unit army which was mostly elephants. In Armadillo, Caelum nailed me with elephants.
"You're never more vulnerable than when you have both hands wrapped around your opponents throat." -Ubercat

"I'm not convinced that faith can move mountains, but I've seen what it can do to skyscrapers." -William H. Gascoyne
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