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Old July 21st, 2007, 06:18 PM

Micah Micah is offline
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Default Flame Storm

It's an effective spell, but I don't think dropping another 2800 RP into Abysia's one trick pony right off the bat is usually going to be the way to go. Evocation is going to be one of their primary research paths, and I think you're generally going to be better served by branching out after you hit level 7 instead of keeping with the narrow focus. Fire storm is already doing a pretty good job incinerating the battlefield's lightly armored troops (especially the enemy mages way in the back) and falling fires does the same thing as flame storm does, just with a much smaller AoE, which will let you take out any heavily armored units that make it through the BE.

The problem is that by the time you hit level 9 research (especially with Abysia's subpar researchers and having to slow down for blood) anything fighting you is likely going to be doing most of the heavy lifting with FR troops. I suppose a Anointed could be used quite effectively against a raiding force with Flame Storm and some PD, but that seems like a large investment of cap-only mage time and research to serve as a raiding counter. Is that what you had in mind for it Jazz?
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