Thread: New patch??
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Old July 21st, 2007, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: New patch??

I'm-very, very slowly-working on a mod nation for MA Aboleths that incorporates an Islamic theme. After all the Polypal Mothers are wiped out, the Aboleths turn to a Pretender that not only promises to bring them back from the dead, but actually has the power to do so, in return for the Aboleths' slavish devotion and willingness to be experimented on by the weird "god".

The Aboleths, in turn, have a massive slave force of their own, who-due to the greatly reduced Aboleth numbers-have become much more independent and more powerful, politically-along the lines of the Mamluks.

The middle age Aboleths have no starting priests, but they can summon Polypal Mothers across time, as well as a powerful sacred undead unit. They can recruit several different kinds of tough slave troops, including: slave trolls, kraken chariots, and a stealthy breed of icthy.

Finally, the Aboleths themselves are being bred and twisted for specialized purposes, a fact they loathe, but have no choice about, as the alternative is imminent extinction.

The really pitiful thing about the whole ordeal is that-by the late age-the Aboleths eventually discover that the so-called "god" wasn't really moving the mothers across space and time, he/she had just captured a handful of living mothers, shielded them with powerful magicks, and then used them to blackmail the Aboleths, while experimenting on them as well, at his/her leisure.

So, by late age, the Aboleths have access to 4 or 5 different types of Mother, only one of which breeds "true". The slaves-who aren't really slaves anymore, by this time-up and leave when they find out how easily their "all-knowing, all-powerful" masters were duped, and the Aboleths are left by their lonesome, a nation of mainly freakish, twisted mutations. Fortunately for the Aboleths-who are understandably extremely pissed-off by this point-their freakish brothers and sisters are friendly, and, for the most part, intensely combat-ready.
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