Thread: New patch??
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Old July 22nd, 2007, 12:43 PM

Chris_Byler Chris_Byler is offline
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Default Re: New patch??

PrinzMegaherz said:
Ulm should have a dominion effekt that weakens magical creatures.
Or better yet, all drain dominions should do so, like coldbloods in cold - maybe even like fire elementals in cold. That would give some real teeth to the magic/drain scale, which right now seems to just be "pay as much as you want for the amount of research you want".

(Coldblooded magical creatures like nagas and lamias should then be especially careful of cold+drain...)

As far as Abysia, I think old guys should get a cost break (and especially old Abysians, because the nation is expected to take death). Lower cost means lower maintenance, so by the time they drop dead you can afford to replace them. With that and making Abysia immune to the -2% income/level from death as well as the supplies, they could actually be played with the heavy death they were meant to have (and in previous versions almost always did have).

I like the thematic idea - and it does very appropriately make your dominion hell on earth for invaders - but it just isn't practical with such expensive mages. Short-lived men should be cheaper than the unnaturally long-lived magic beings other nations have - if you want the nation to be played with a "life is cheap" attitude, then their lives need to actually *be* cheap. Instead Abysians are still paying extra for the physical toughness they used to have (but don't anymore, because they're old in Dom3) and the heat aura whose main effect is to set their blood slaves on fire.

The cost break should be larger for old sacred guys, because they have higher up-front cost that is theoretically compensated for by their half upkeep... but if they drop dead of old age inside 2 years, you don't get much benefit from the reduced upkeep.

Adjusting the age system so there is more debilitation and less immediate death might be nice too, but it would probably be more work.
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