Re: Sillmarilion
I agree about LOTR 3rd age Middle earth. But 1st age seemed extreemly magical to me even though spells as such wearnt mentioned much. I have always thought it would be a great setting for high fantasy, HIGH power in a game far no one has done it in any game( though age of magic has a few LOTR mods)
True Gandalf didnt overtly use magic but he was a Miar (Istari) of Manwe and was not to use power so openly I believe. He did kill a Balrog as well. Though no real description was given of the fight I find it hard to believe that he didnt use quite a few spells in dealing with it. But I am not really intersted in 3rd age anyway, just thought 1st age would be perfect.
I havent played this game yet, maybe it is not what I am anticipating?