Thread: Sillmarilion
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Old July 24th, 2007, 07:12 PM

Pratputajao Pratputajao is offline
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Default Re: Sillmarilion

Well it seems you are correct on the origin of Bombadil warhammer. At least according to the encyclopedia of Arda. In my "Lords of Middle earth" compendium for MERP (Middle Earth Role Playing game) he is listed a Maiar. However he is never listed among them. He was never said not to be Maia though....He could be Vala as there were Lesser unnamed Vala? But again no one knows. Tolken himself said he left Bombadil an enigma-- 'And even in a mythical Age there must be some enigmas, as there always are. Tom Bombadil is one (intentionally).'-- Interesting. Kind of a mystery like where did Ungoliant come from? Thanks for the correction

Anyway I would love this too and am surprised no one has made a mod like this for any game? You dont get any more High fantasy than the Silmarillion
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