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Old July 26th, 2007, 06:38 PM

Arameyan Arameyan is offline
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Default Re: Early Age Commentary

atul said:
Naturally it would make alliance-forging much easier if people won't try to twist reality to match their current short-term (near-sighted) goals. What good to anti-R'lyeh alliance does using it to attack the reputation of a nation that has been valiantly defending itself from Man's lapdog?

The war between Patala and me (LA Ctis) doesn't concern Ma Man in any way. And honestly, and don't see why it concerns you. But yes, Patala is valiantly defending himself. Lucky/ethereal elephants can trample an impressive number of lizards before being stopped

It's about my fourth Dom3 multiplayer game, and I'm learning a lot. Especially about diplomacy and economics between players.

If it please you, you can insult me because I'm smaller than my ally. Have fun!

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