Re: Victory Conditions
Lets start the Rlyeh witchhunt, everyone accused has to denounce at least 2 other nations to be influenced by the void or else the fun will end way too soon.
btw. i have some information, that some people in this game actually share the bed with ermor.
Also who does say that it was not ermor who casted the mind hunts, so that it looks like rlyeh was it and you can begin to attack nations that ermor knows that would never join him.
You cant forget, that even when Rlyeh is strong, the real evil comes from Ermor, and that every bad event that happens to you is actually the doing of ermorian agents.
And at the end some question, how can you say who has cast the mindhunts, afaik they are anonymous, so nations like marignon, pythium, the other rlyes, arco, thien chi could also easily be behind this.
p.s. the next big game, i will take MA Marignon, just for the sake of RPG